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Thursday, December 26, 2024 at 12:31 PM

Open Space Meeting Tonight

An information session on how the town should utilize its Open Space sites will be held tonight, Thursday, November 7, from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Livingston Senior/Community Center, 204 Hillside Avenue. Township officials invite residents to attend and take part in the discussion, offering their ideas about how the town should use the Orchard Hill, Licari, and Strahman I and II sites.

The Township owns the Orchard Hill, Licari, and Strahman I sites and is in negotiations to acquire the Strahman II site. The session will focus on evaluating open space in Livingston and possible recreational options - such as trails, community gardens, and more-for the locations.

People may also share their thoughts by filling out a survey at bit. ly/TMLivingston.


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