Livingston’s 34th annual Intergenerational Prom, co-sponsored by the Board of Education, the Township of Livingston, and the Livingston High School (LHS) Key Club, will be held on Wednesday, April 9, in the LHS cafeteria.
A long-standing Livingston tradition, the Intergenerational Prom provides an opportunity for high school students and the township’s senior citizens to socialize, have fun, and get to know one another. The evening includes dinner, entertainment and dancing. Community leaders, (Continued on Page A-5) including Livingston Public Schools Board of Education members and administrators and members of the Township Council, serve dinner for the guests.
Senior citizens who wish to attend this free event must pre-register at the Livingston Recreation and Senior Services Department, 204 Hillside Avenue, so they can obtain a ticket to enter the prom. Office hours are Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Could your house number be seen by police officers, firefighters or first aiders from the street in an emergency? Municipal law requires every house to have numbers at least five inches high, easily visible from the street.