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Tuesday, March 25, 2025 at 11:34 PM

Council Approves YMCA Developer Agreement, 45 South Livingston Ave. District Redevelopment

During its regular meeting on Wednesday, March 12, the Livingston Township Council passed several resolutions, including a developer’s agreement for the construction of the town’s new YMCA, a funding agreement for a development at 2 Peach Tree Hill Road, and a redevelopment agreement for 45 Partners Urban Renewal.

The Council also highlighted an awareness program on generative artificial intelligence that will be available for Livingston residents. The first of six township sessions will be held on March 24.

Budget Meeting

On Tuesday, March 11, the Council held a meeting with department heads to discuss the 2025 municipal budget. 20 minute sessions were held with the heads of the Livingston Library; Recreation and Senior Services/Pool; Sewer/Water; Engineering; Fire Department; Department of Public Works; and Police Department.

Township manager Barry Lewis called it a “good, informative, productive meeting.”

YMCA Agreement

The Council authorized a developer’s agreement with Metropolitan YMC A of the Oranges for the property located at 304 South Livingston Avenue (block 4402, lot 6 on the township tax maps). The site was formerly the home of the Grace Lutheran Church, and the West Essex YMCA will be moving from its current location, across the street, to that property once the new facility is constructed.

As per the agreement, those existing buildings will be demolished to make way for a main building of approximately 54,000 square feet containing the YMCA facilities and offices. A second 24,000 square foot building will be constructed to operate as a child care center, offices, or otherrelatedYMCAfacilitiesoruses.

45 Partners Urban Renewal 

A redevelopment agreement was approved for block 3700, lots 28,29, and 30 on the township’s tax maps. Commonly known as the site of the (Continued on Page A-5) (Continued from Page A-l) former Bottle King, among other properties, the area along South Livingston Avenue was the topic ofheated discussions between township officials and residents over the past few years. These most recently occurred in 2023, when the 45 South Livingston Avenue District Redevelopment Plan was ultimately passed. A more than 200-unit, five story housing complex, plus retail buildings, was approved to be constructed on the property.

45 S. Livingston Ave.

Noted within the agreement, the developer agreed to make a $500,000 Community Benefit Payment, a financial contribution to the township. This is in addition to covering the costs associated with enacting the redevelopment agreement.

According to the project schedule, construction is set to begin by December 1 of this year. A deadline for completion of construction is set for June 1, 2028.

Deputy Mayor Shawn Klein was recused from this vote.

An ordinance related to this was also introduced during the meeting to approve an application for a long term tax exemption, commonly known as a PILOT (payment in lieu of taxes).

Funding Agreement

Aresolution was passed to approve the execution of a funding agreement with Atlas VI Peach Tree, LLC, to provide the funding of redevelopment activities on 2 Peach Tree Hill Road (block 6100, lot 11 on the town’s tax maps).

As part of the agreement $ 15,000 will be put in an escrow account by the developer, for the township to cover third party interim costs, which will be replenished should the amount in the account fall under $5,000.

Community Partnership Budget 

Aresolution was passed to approve the annual budget for the Livingston Community Partnership Corporation. The 2025 budget was submitted at $413,285.

Board members of Livingston’s Business Improvement District (now known as LIV BID) discussed the budget during the conference meeting prior to passage of the resolution.

A public hearing on this budget will be held during the April 28 Council meeting.

Model Bylaws

“Model bylaws” were adopted to be utilized by all non-statutory Township Advisory Committees. These are a uniform list of general and specific responsibilities that all Livingston advisory committees should follow.


A six month contract was awarded to Colonnelli Brothers for on-call sanitary sewer repairs in town. The resolution states that the township has an option for one six-month extension within the contract.

Cifelli and Son General Contracting was awarded a $394,3 80 contract for township road improvements.

A$26,950 contract was approved with Shi International Corporation, for software maintenance for the town’s Miradore Premium Plan.

A $ 110,000 contract was awarded to Topology for planning services related to the redevelopment of the Livingston Mall. Topology is leading the charette this week in town, a multi-day discussion with the public about what they would like to see done with the mall property. Once the process is completed and a developer is designated, they are expected to reimburse the township for the cost of this contract.

“Please come out and speak to the professionals,” Mayor Ed Meinhard said. “We urge everyone to come out.”

Change Order

A change order was approved for a contract with Motorola Solutions, for the purchase and installation of emergency communications consoles, services, and equipment. The initial contract was not to exceed $516,720.80, and the change order increases the contract by 7.6percent, to a new sum of $559,192.


Nicolas Varzacacou has been appointed to the Trails and Greenways Committee and the Recycling and Reclamation Committee through the end of the year.

Closed Session

In a closed executive session following the regular meeting, the Council was expected to discuss Fair Share Housing; two litigation discussions involving Sgt. Kevin Mullaney and the township’s gun range; and the potential lease of township property.


West Essex Tribune