Toiletries Drive Going Strong


Toiletries Drive Going Strong

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“A Bloomingdale’s promotional display? Macy’s window? Actually, this photo shows a small, representative sampling of the high-quality toiletries for the homeless being donated by generous Livingston residents,” noted Jeff “The Coat Guy” Friedman, who is currently coordinating a townwide “Toiletries Challenge” to collect toiletries for homeless individuals. “Name brands, or toiletry products in general, are generally not available to the homeless,” he explained. “That’s why we are encouraging continued donations from our Livingston neighbors.” Now being collected are all sizes and varieties of toiletries, especially travel-sized items from hotels, including shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, mouth wash, tooth brushes, lotion, deodorant, women’s hygiene items, and soap. Donations may be dropped at the office of the West Essex Tribune, 495 South Livingston Avenue. Donors may also e-mail the Coat Guy at to arrange for convenient, private pick-up. ...

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